Discover the heartwarming tale of forsaken kittens seeking refuge in a home's garden during the cold winter, receiving the love and care they longed for


It was clear that these two little brothers had been abandoned; as a result, the mom brought them both home and phoned the local rescue organization Chatons Orphelins Montréal to ask for assistance. A member of the rescue team named Celine Crom said:

Before we put the kittens into our care, the woman had secured them, fed them, and kept them warm.

Sirius and Celestin, two furry friends, were thrilled to gain the affection and attention they so much needed to succeed.

They underwent a new phase as indoor kittens after being examined by the veterinarian; they were no longer as timid and gradually showed their true selves.

The kittens were first a little timid, but they soon developed a curiosity and began to play, according to Celine.
