The adorable cat named Meatloaf was rescued, proving that kindness knows no bounds with its big heart.


Do you know what makes Meatloaf so unique? Well, he actually saved us from the loneliness that ensued after our other cat passed away. Feeling like something was missing in our home without a furry friend, we decided to visit a shelter and meet another cat that had caught our eye online. However, as soon as we walked in, a little tuxedo kitten came marching towards us, meowing and seeking attention from my husband. It was clear that we were his people, and he was meant to be with us. We believe that Meatloaf knew we needed him as much as he needed us. And guess what? This Friday, 11/25, marks his adoption anniversary! I'd like to express my gratitude to Meatloaf's amazing owners, Jennifer and Mark, for allowing me to share their feline's story with the readers of Cattitude Daily. Meatloaf's story is a testament to the fact that cats have an uncanny ability to choose their humans.
