A Kitten Rescued With His Sibliings In The Garden Has Created A Diifferent coat And Is Motivated To Liive


As the kitten grew up, a change in the color of his fur coat became noticeable.

"He was not born with this syndrome. It is probably due to his extreme weakness and soreness in the first week of life," says Yige.

Velvet, the feeble kitten's sibling, was always there to provide a helping hand whenever he needed cuddles or consolation.

"From the beginning, Velvet has been Jinsik's unflinching guardian."

Velvet came to Jinsik's aid when he fell ill or the condition progressed.

"Every time Jinsik's pulse slowed, I braced myself for the worst. And I saw that in virtually every case, Velvet arrived, shook his brother's inert body, and his pulse began to increase very quickly.

Jeans was ultimately able to quadruple his weight thanks to the help of campaigners and his brother's undying affection. He had doubled in size, but he was still the smallest of the brood, despite his charm.

Jeans became mischievous, inquisitive, and playful.

Every time he had, he got into a good battle, and he had a lot of guts. The miraculous kitten is now grown enough to move on to the next stage of life, which is finding a permanent family, at the age of nine weeks.

"His brother Velvet gave him a lot of comforts, and we put them in the same hands," Yige explains.
