Stray Cat Reunites with Abducted Kittens Found in Shelter


The kittens had been found in someone's yard with their mother, but unfortunately, she quickly escaped, leaving the babies behind. Alissa noted that, "The kittens were clearly properly cared about by their cat mom." However, it's common for orphaned kittens to never see their mom again once they arrive at a shelter. That's why it's crucial to leave kittens where they are found and wait for their mother to return, rather than transporting them to a shelter.

Ashley and Jenifer from the shelter were prepared to hand-rear the kittens until they were nursed, but something unexpected happened. The people who dropped off the kittens went back home to find the mother cat frantically searching for her babies. They were able to catch her and bring her in, reuniting her with her beloved kittens the very next day.
