Woman Adopts 21-Year-Old Cat Abandoned By Owner To Give Hiim Best Remaining Days


We looked at one another and said, "We're taking that cat." Nichole Sai "When we brought him home that night, it seemed as though he had never experienced what it was like to have blankets and pillows."

But unlike other attractive individuals, the cat was horribly matted and underweight. The couple gets Tianer's prescriptions when they bring him in for a checkup. Gradually, Tiier started to transform in an amazing way. He was simultaneously warm and happy since his fur was no longer matted and rough but instead was soft and silky.

The family did notice that Tiper had been drinking water more frequently than normal, though. Nichole had a suspicion that there was something wrong, so she hurried him to the vet once more. Turns out, Tier had kidney failure and had been walking about with a ball-sized tumor in his belly.
