Abandoned Senior Cat Finds Loving Home – And His Life Is Just Beginning!


It was early 2015 when Buisch and Trentadue first found out about Tigger's plight. They were on the hunt for a new companion for their other cat whose name is Stuart and were contemplating getting a kitten, but were completely moved by the cat's heartbreaking story.

"Next thing you know I'm calling the hospital …and heading up there the very next day," Buisch, who is now 32, stated. "We figured we might as well give an old cat a comfy home for his remaining life while seeing how Stuart does with another cat."

Tigger was completely matted and frail when the veterinary technician brought into the room to meet Buisch and Trentadue.

"Michael and I looked at each other and immediately said we were taking him home," noted Buisch.
