Luckily, She-Ra was in the best hands at SRSL. After some much-needed baths and a few more exams, the sweet girl was ready to start her healing journey.
The team immediately put She-Ra on a refeeding schedule, where she would eat small amounts of food multiple times a day to get her body used to processing nutrition again.
The pup still couldn't move, so they happily carried her in their arms indoors and pushed her around in a stroller outside.
Stray Rescue of St. Louis
The more she ate, the stronger she got, and soon She-Ra was starting to stand on her own.
Her body became fully adjusted to food two weeks later, so she graduated to a regular feeding schedule. Finally, she was ready for foster care.
Stray Rescue of St. Louis
It wasn't long before a loving foster family offered to take her home. With them, She-Ra's world expanded even further.
"She was actually living in the foster home with a couple of other dogs, a cat, a monkey and a bird," Lochmann said. "She got exposed to a whole lot and was doing really well. They had a huge fenced yard, and she just loved to run and play with the other dogs."