Sickly Puppy Used All She Had To Sit Up And Tell Mom It Would Be All Right


After some time, the dogs felt comfortable enough to eat their first meal. Momma and Coco weren't used to being caged or dealing with humans in this capacity, but the volunteer knelt down with the best of intentions – feeding them a nice dish of food. When the dogs started eating it, the sentiments of warmth in the room soared, especially among the volunteers.

Even though the dogs were secure, they were in an unfamiliar setting. Coco, who was frail and little, clung to her mom whenever she had the chance. She could only sleep curled into her mother's body. It was breathtaking to witness. Their love was palpable and undeniable.

Coco and her mom significantly improved after a couple of weeks of hard therapy. Coco even had the energy to play, which drove Momma insane. The volunteers were taken aback when the sweetest thing happened next. Coco kept a close watch on her mom and emulated everything she did. Coco rubbed her ear if Momma scratched hers. Coco sat down to scratch if Momma did. Coco didn't move her gaze away from her mother, which was wonderful.

Thank you very much for the wonderful work that Animal Aid does for animals in need! Please watch their video below.

Take a look at this touching story with a VERY happy ending!
