Someone heard the cries of the kittens and found them. Among them, there was one significantly smaller kitten, but it showed that it could do anything


She mustered up the courage and figured out a unique way to conquer the descent.

"She ‘can't' get down from the cat tree, but she can make a giant leap to the lounger and jump down from there. This is how she gets down from the tree every time."

Meringue and Buttercream share an adorable bond (will be adopted together) and have a forever home lined up for them. Their brother, Caramel, is ready to find a place of his own.

"They have the best personalities. All three kittens purr the second I walk in the room. When I sit down, they all have to be on me. They are so sweet, loving and insanely playful," Jen told Love Meow.
